Tag Archives: speciesism

Veganism. The animal Holocaust.

Is slavery, ownership, domination, exclusive to the human race? Have black people, Jewish, women and children not only been victim to this atrocity? So then what about cows, chickens, pigs, birds and fish, are they not victim to slavery? When black people were sent over on cramped ships and forced into slavery and the Jewish were reduced to concentration camps do we really think they were treated fairly and within their rights? This brings me to a slaughterhouse, the key word in the name, slaughter.

We are led to believe in the humane killing of animals, what exactly is a humane killing? I sure don’t think that suffocating, stabbing and dismemberment are that of humane killing because there is no such thing. This is a term used by the propaganda of the meat and dairy industry to make it less brutal and more acceptable for consumption. Using propaganda, user-friendly images such as Molly Moo the cow can pull the wool over most people’s eyes.milk2milk

Image via http://www.flickr.com/photos/lendog64/5456102904/

Image via http://pixabay.com/p 151944/?no_redirect

Is this not a holocaust of the animal species? How do you define a holocaust, the killing of a mass number of human beings or innocent beings? When did we become to hate animals and make fun of the entire existence.

I believe specialism is learned, just as racism or sexism. When we are young we love animals and we would do anything to protect them, we couldn’t bear the thought of someone being cruel to an animal. It is amazing how a video of a cat or a dog being abused will cause so much distress to the viewer that feel passionate enough to be in outrage.

It is socially unacceptable to be cruel to animals we are fond of and find cute, there are even charities fighting the cause!. You can’t tell me that every part of the animal serves a function, apart from the brain. These animals feel fear, pain and suffering, they don’t want to be slaughtered, and they want to live just as you and I.

I blame ignorance; people do not want to know the process as to what happens for their meat to end up on their plate. We don’t like the idea of animals suffering so we pretend it doesn’t happen, but it is happening, it is happening to billions of animals every year. Let’s get real and understand what is happening behind closed doors. My question to you is, if this is not good enough for your eyes then is it good enough for your stomach?